GDP Accreditation against EU & WHO Standards to Unlock New Markets and help Position Abu Dhabi as a Global Healthcare and Lifesciences Hub
Abu Dhabi – UAE: 5 October 2021 – Solidifying its position as a global leader in the field of handling and storage of pharmaceutical products and vaccines across all temperature ranges, Abu Dhabi Ports’ Logistics, a subsidiary of AD Ports Group, has been awarded the coveted Good Distribution Practice (GDP) accreditation by one of the world’s leading testing, inspection, and certification bodies.
The award was issued by Bureau Veritas, which certified AD Ports’ advanced pharmaceutical cold and ultra-cold storage facility in the KIZAD and its related logistical services, against both European Union and World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. The announcement marks the first instance a UAE organisation has secured accreditation for both standards and is one of the few in the Middle East to hold that distinction.
The GDP accreditation certifies that all required measures designed to safeguard product quality and reduce risk have been implemented and are being followed along the entire pharma cold and non-cold chain journey. Ultimately, adherence to such high standards ensures customers that pharmaceutical products they receive through the healthcare vertical of Abu Dhabi Ports Logistics can maintain their quality and efficacy.
Captain Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Group CEO, AD Ports Group, said: “Since its founding, AD Ports Group has worked to establish itself as a world leader in trade, industry, and logistics. Today’s announcement represents an important building block in helping realise our Government’s vision of making Abu Dhabi a major global healthcare and life sciences hub. We now hold the distinction as being the first healthcare organisation in the UAE to be GDP certified against the EU and WHO standards for pharmaceutical and medical supply distribution, and one of the few in the Middle East to hold both.
“Rather than resting on our laurels, we aim to continue elevating our healthcare logistics and pharma cold and non-cold chain service capabilities to new heights and to continue supporting the growth of Abu Dhabi’s and the UAE’s fast-developing healthcare sector. In addition, we will continue to leverage our healthcare logistics capacities to support the nation’s pivotal role in the global effort against the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the founding members of the HOPE Consortium.”
Robert Sutton, Head of Logistics Cluster, AD Ports Group, said: “Securing the Good Distribution Practice accreditation from Bureau Veritas, one of the world’s most prominent certification bodies, is a very unique accomplishment in the healthcare and pharma cold and non-cold chain logistics space, and serves as a testament to our team’s commitment to business excellence and customer care. The accreditation allows us to serve our customers against both the EU and the WHO standards simultaneously, which opens up a new and broad set of global market opportunities for AD Ports Group, our partners and our customers in the healthcare sector.
“Customers utilising our state-of-the-art healthcare facility in KIZAD, in conjunction with our specialised transportation services provided by MICCO, can rest assured that their pharma products will retain their integrity and effectiveness through our cold chain, and right to the final mile. Securing this important accreditation further enhances our competitive advantage and boosts our position as one the key players in the healthcare logistics industry not only in the region but throughout the globe as well.”
As part of the accreditation audit process, Abu Dhabi Ports Logistics’ healthcare vertical was evaluated against a multitude of rigorous quality management and operational processes across its various logistical activities. The audit certified that the integrity and quality of pharmaceutical products, vaccines, consumables, cosmetics, consumer goods, hospital supplies, medical devices, and medical equipment was maintained at prescribed standards at its storage hub and throughout its supply chain.
From importation to storage, transportation, and final distribution, the organisation was assessed on processes involving documentation, risk management, business continuity, transportation and packaging solutions, premises, and equipment, as well as the professional development of personnel, to name a few.
Additionally, the GDP accreditation also considered measures put into place by Abu Dhabi Ports Logistics’ healthcare vertical to ensure continued enhancement of operations, control processes, and training of staff, to ensure a continuous improvement in final product delivery and customer satisfaction.
شكرًا على اهتمامك بتحميل كتيب المستثمرين. يرجى تعبئة النموذج أدناه، وسيتم إضافتك إلى قاعدة بيانات المستثمرين لدينا، لتتلقي التحديثات من فرق علاقات المستثمرين
يحتوي هذا الموقع على معلومات عامة حول شركة أبوظبي للموانئ ش.م.ع (مجموعة موانئ أبوظبي) ("الشركة"). حيث تم توفير المحتوى لتزويدك بالمعلومات دون الزعم بأنها كاملة. وبقراءة المعلومات المتاحة على هذا الموقع، فإنك توافق على الالتزام بما يلي: لا يوجد شيء على هذا الموقع يمكن أن يشكل دعوة للاستثمار أو التعامل في الأوراق المالية في الشركة.
يجب على أي مستثمر حالي أو محتمل، يفكر في إجراء معاملة أوراق مالية في الشركة أن يتشاور مع مستشاريه بشأن جميع المسائل المالية والقانونية والضريبية والمسائل ذات الصلة المتعلقة بالاستثمار في هذه الأوراق المالية.
يحتوي هذا الموقع على بيانات تطلعية. قد تتضمن هذه العبارات الكلمات "يعتقد" و "يتوقع" و "يستبق" و "يعتزم" و "يخطط" و "يقدر" و "مشروع" و "سوف" و "قد" و "استهداف" وتعابير مماثلة بالإضافة إلى بيانات بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، تلك المتعلقة بالمركز المالي واستراتيجية العمل والخطط والأهداف العامة والخاصة بإدارة الشركة للعمليات المستقبلية، ومنها خطط التنمية وأهدافها. تتضمن مثل هذه البيانات التطلعية مخاطر معروفة وغير معروفة وشكوك وعوامل مهمة أخرى قد تؤثر على قدرة الشركة على تنفيذ وتحقيق النتائج المنصوص عليها في مثل هذه البيانات التطلعية، والتي قد ينتج عنها تباين جوهري في النتائج والتطورات الفعلية عن ما ورد في هذا الموقع من توقعات، أو آراء أو تنبؤات.
تلتزم شركة ابوظبي للمواني ش م ع (مجموعة موانئ أبوظبي) بضمان حماية خصوصيتك. ولقد وضعنا سياسة خصوصية تغطي كيفية جمعنا لمعلوماتك الشخصية واستخدامنا لها والإفصاح عنها ونقلها وتخزينها. إذا ما طلبنا منك تزويدنا ببعض المعلومات للتحقق من هويتك عند استخدام هذا الموقع، فتأكد أنه سيتم استخدام هذه البينات وفقاً لهذه السياسة. يجوز للشركة تغيير هذه السياسة من وقت لآخر عن طريق تحديث هذه الصفحة. نرجو منك تخصيص بعض الوقت للتعرف على ممارسات الخصوصية لدينا، وتواصل معنا إذا كانت لديك أية استفسارات. للمزيد عن سياسة الخصوصية ووفقًا للشروط والأحكام المذكورة.